Taline Arslanyan '07

Q & A

What advice would you give your high school self?
Keep an open mind and don’t keep pursuing what you think others want you to do or think you should do. Think about the skills you are good at, what is it in your life that lights a fire in you. Even if you don’t think that translates directly to a job, it probably does, but you just have not discovered it yet. Since I graduated high school, there are so many jobs and career paths I have learned about that I never knew existed. It’s exciting. Think about what makes you tick, find people that inspire you, reach out to them, take them for coffee, talk to them about what they do, and how they got there, and take notes. Eventually, you’ll find what it is that you are meant to do.

What was the one thing/person that most influenced the career you have now?
I came to my career today by identifying the right opportunities and approaching them with curiosity and an open mind. Approach any job no matter how small, from the perspective that you will learn and take away something from that experience. Always ask yourself what you can take away or gain from this experience

What is the most valuable career advice you have received?
Be stubborn on vision, but flexible on the journey. Know what success means to you, what you want that to look like, but be agile and flexible on how you get there.

What is the most important thing that you learned at York House that has helped you to succeed in your career?
To set a high standard for myself. York House has always had a high standard for its students and in turn that has been ingrained in me — I can attribute my strong work ethic and drive to this.

What’s your most vivid memory of your time at YHS?
There are too many to name one!

Who was the most influential person at York House School for you and why?
Ms. Bell. She was Principal of the Junior School from when I was in Kindergarten to Grade 6. She always opened our Monday morning assemblies with a meaningful story or lesson to take away. I remember the first day I met her and sat in her office in my interview. She was a strong woman and the first person (besides my mother) who I looked up to. She had a real impact on me.
