JK-Gr. 7 Student-Centred Conferences

Dear Parents,

The Second Term Conferences in the Little School and Junior School are Student-Centred Conferences. At this conference, your daughter will be discussing her progress with you. The teacher will be on hand to give support and encouragement.  

There are several reasons for conducting the conferences in this way. By having the students actively involved in the conference, they will:
  • assume responsibility for reporting their progress to you
  • collaboratively set goals with you and the teacher for further learning
  • be accountable for the work they produce and the quality of that work
  • develop good communication and leadership skills
  • show you first hand some of the many learning activities they are involved in at school
I hope that it will be possible for all parents to attend the Student-Centred Conferences. In the event that you cannot attend, you and your daughter may find a substitute who would be able to take part in this important event. As the conference is a time for you and your child, the Junior School Learning Commons will be open for York House siblings. If there are any issues that you wish to discuss privately with the teacher after the conference, the teacher will be happy to arrange a time to meet with you.

Conferences in classrooms will take from 15-20 minutes. There will not be set appointments for Grade 6 and Grade 7 homeroom classes or specialist subjects. Parents are invited to go to the specialist rooms with their daughter before or after the classroom conference. Conferences with specialists will last about 10 minutes. If there are any issues that you wish to discuss privately with the specialist teacher after the conference, the specialist teacher will be happy to arrange a time to meet with you.

It is advisable to set aside approximately 60 minutes in order to have sufficient time to visit the classroom and the specialist rooms. 

Sign-up for the Student-Centred Conferences closed on Tuesday, February 25. If you signed up, you will receive a confirmation of your Student-Centered conference time on or before Monday, March 2.


Kathy Kealey
Director of Junior School (JK – Gr. 7)